Signs of Grace
Signs of Grace Fellowship is a community ministry of Church of the Savior that provides Bible study for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HH) people. This ministry focuses on the Deaf and HH community in Beaver County, but all are welcome! Fellowship, lunch and signed video Bible lessons are provided...
Lessons & Carols w/ Eucharist
We’ll be doing a special service of Lessons & Carols for the Christmas season on Sunday, December 22, at our usual time of 10 am. We’ll also be celebrating the Eucharist. You can join us in the sanctuary! The nursery will not be staffed during this service, and there will...
Christmas Eve Service w/ Eucharist
We’ll have a special Christmas Eve service, with celebration of the Eucharist, at the church at 5 pm. The nursery will not be staffed during this service, as we plan for children to participate in this service as far as they’re able.
Institution of Bill Driscoll as rector, confirmation(s)
Bishop Alex will be visiting us to institute Bill Driscoll as our new rector, along with a confirmation and a reception. The service will be followed by a light reception! View the invitation here.
Regional Revive Weekend
Contact Pastor Myron for details to participate or help host!
COTS/Signs of Grace Picnic
We’ll have our annual picnic in the Barn at Old Economy Park, with service (at 10:30) followed by lunch together. Please bring a side or dessert to share!
Game Night!
Starting at 5 pm in the multi-purpose room — we’ll provide pizza; you bring a snack or side, a game to share, and friends!