June 25, 2024 update:

​Church of the Savior in Ambridge is pleased to announce our next rector: Bill Driscoll! We are delighted to welcome Bill and his wife Kim back to the area after he was launched into ministry from COTS sixteen years ago. Bill has been serving as rector Church of the Redeemer in Jacksonville, Florida, for the last fourteen years.

We give thanks for the many years of faithful service by Dennett and Andrea Buettner in their leadership of COTS, and for all of the diligent discernment done by the Search Committee and Vestry during the search process. Please continue to pray for all involved in the transition over the next few months at Church of the Savior, as well as the Buettners and Driscolls specifically!

After approval from the bishop, materials related to our rector search have been posted on the diocesan and ACNA websites. The parish profile and rector profile can be read in full by following the links below.

Our preferred timeline is a two-month window for applications (February/March), then candidate interviews beginning in April—with the hope that a call could be made by early summer, and the new rector could move to Ambridge in July, with a one- or two-week overlap with Dennett Buettner. 

Parish profile

Rector profile