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Walking with Jesus in Pandemic

We have made a lot of transitions in the past month. Services and small groups have become 100% virtual, and for a few weeks now, most of us have been confined to our homes, except for essential trips out into the world. While there are a number of things we are missing, there are also many opportunities for us to commit to our discipleship, in our homes and in conversation with others. Here are several helpful resources:

If you are on Facebook, “like” and follow the Ambridge Ministerium–One Body page for updates and news for the ways that our churches are working together. Below are some ways to engage in the days and weeks to come. But it’s important to know why we are going to work at our formation as Christians, especially with everything that’s happening. Believe it or not, our faith has something to say about the anxiety and guilt and other emotions of these days.

  • You can worship with Morning Prayer live with Trinity School for Ministry Monday-Friday at 8:30am at their Facebook page. You can also find
  • When you have finished praying Morning Prayer, go to Pastor Dave’s page and find the “Reflections from Morning Prayer” video for some teaching on the Scriptures for the day.
  • With being at home, this is a chance to turn our homebound lives into retreat space. Check out this resource that guides you through a 14 day retreat in your own home to becoming more aware of God’s presence and grace for you in this moment.
  • Start a virtual house church–you and your family/friends can gather together and meet to hear from God and pray with one another on GoToMeeting just as easily as we do on Sunday mornings. Talk to Pastor Dennett or Pastor Dave about how you can get started.

There are a lot of resources out there, any many in our diocese–at Grace Anglican Church in Grove City and Christ the Redeemer Parish in Canonsburg, among many others–are providing great ways to be connected, to hear God’s word, and to care for one another, so let’s gather with our brothers and sisters in Christ however we can. If you know of resources that would be especially helpful for us at Church of the Savior, let Pastor Dave know.

In conclusion, here are two prayers for the season that our Bishop passed along for us to assist in our prayers in this time.

A Prayer for Those Affected by COVID-19 by the Rev. Cn. John Park

Let us pray for all those who are afflicted with COVID-19, for their caretakers, for those who have died from that disease, for the bereaved, and for the scientists who are working to find a cure and a vaccine for the disease.


Almighty and immortal God, healer of the sick and source of all knowledge: We implore your mercy for your servants who have been afflicted by the COVID-19 virus, that by thy blessing upon them and upon those who minister to them with thy healing gifts, they may be restored to health of body and mind, according to your gracious will; for those who have died, that you may receive them into the arms of your mercy; and that by your leading the scientists and physicians may quickly find a cure and a vaccine which will protect all people, that it be available to all people and that all take advantage of it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for a Vaccine Against COVID-19 by the Rt. Rev. James Hobby

Almighty God, in your goodness you created the earth and all its elements; and have given us skill to make medicines that heal and relieve our pain. Grant our scientists the insight and ability to develop a vaccine to protect us from COVID-19. We acknowledge that all forms of healing come from you. So, in you we put out trust. Grant that this vaccine may, in your mercy, deliver us from this illness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.